Monday, November 21, 2011

The Question - a play

As part of my not working on NaNoWriMo, I was instead finishing my first complete draft of "The Question" a play I have entered into the Stage Struck 2012 Adult One-act Play Festival in Edmonton.

Here is the summary:

Carlos feels inundated with questions: Questions at the office related to the trial on the ethics of Dr. Van der Hauk's work; Questions from his husband, Joseph, about their long over due vacation; But it is the simple homework question from their daughter, Maria, that exposes the family secrets.

 At the moment I am looking for people to help out with the production. Anyone interested please email me at:

What I am looking for, that I know of at the moment, are as follows:
Carlos - 43 year old gay guy
Joseph - 38 year old gay guy
Maria - 14 year old girl

Director or assistant director
Stage manager
Costume and props manager
Sound and lighting designer
maybe more, I'm not sure - email me of you would like help out.

No NaNoWriMo

So in the end I did not do any writing for NaNoWriMo. Instead I worked on a variety of other things, most of it not actual writing. Perhaps next year I'll be more inclined to attempt NaNoWriMo.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Ok, this post is a couple days late, and I am a couple days slow on the start, so not sure if I will get all 50,000 words written this month or not.....

... for those that don't know, November is National Novel Writing Month. For more information check out their website:

Part of my slow start has been other things keeping me occupied, as well as a feeling that I may not get all 50,000 words done even if I had started November 1, as I am also working on my next play (I have a submission to the Edmonton International Fringe, fingers crossed I will get in).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ongoing changes

If you are following this blog, you will notice I don't actually update this that often.
Well I am hoping to get out of some research and back into active writing; both on the web and for future publication.

As part of the organization of all that I have determined the overall purpose of this and a couple other blogs I am contribute to. They are as all on the right hand side under related blogs and are classified as follows:

This blog ("Hugh Kemeny's World of Writing") is for any of my general writing snippets, and writing updates.

"5 of a Kind" is an old blog from my first play that was produced at the 2007 Fringes in Winnipeg and Edmonton.

"Joe Trebble" is the online serial I have periodically been working on. This is one of the blogs I hope to be getting back to some regular posting of.

"Inspirations" is where I moved quotes and other inspirational things that were not directly related to my writing. I am not entirely sure where this blog will go, if it will stay as inspirational items or eventually fold into the last one...

"Quafaie" is the blog where I will be posting more opinion and non-writing (along with some selective writing related) posts. This in essence will become the main posting blog.

Finally, in the new year I may be starting to use twitter. I still have a stupid phone, so tweeting things will likely be more sporadic than postings on these blogs.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

General Blog Update Info - Update & "Removed" Content

For those who have been watching this blog, you should notice that all my quotes, zen, and tarot posts are now gone.

I decided to move them all to their own blog, and to keep this for general writing updates and perhaps the occasional general comment on live, politics, art, etc :)

You can follow my tarot / zen etc here:

In September I am planning to revamp a little of this site - update blogs I follow etc
as well as posting Joe Trebble more regularly.

Summer was unexpectedly busy, both good and bad.
- Working at a summer camp for July (fun)
- Mother passing away (July 20) - not fun:(
- Keeping my mind busy to not get to depressed
- Including going to Seattle and a back country camping trip with Scenic Boys Adventures in early August
- As well as hanging out at the 30th Edmonton Fringe Fringe Theatre Festival

Monday, May 23, 2011

Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy Chapter 10: The Sea

Below is the next installment of Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy.
I have a few more chapters to type up, so I am hoping to have a new chapter posted every Monday.

You can read the entire serial here:
The links on the left hand side have the chapters in order.

Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy
Chapter 10: The Sea

Joe Watched the tide come in. It always amazed him how dramatic the tide was down the Bristol Channel, even this far down stream.

“Not as spectacular as the tidal changes where you're form. Or so I hear.” 

Joe smiled at the familiar voice coming from behind him. “You bloody well know I live no where near that part of Canada.” Joe leapt up and gave his partner a hug.

“As far as I know Stratford on Avon, Canada, is as close to your Bay of Fundy as Stratford-upon-Avon, England is to here. You keep promising to take me over for a visit.”

“It is just Stratford in Canada, and I will one day my love.” Joe sat on the rocks and looked towards the sea, out back towards home.

“Your mission is bothering you,” Devin said giving Joe a squeeze on the shoulders.

“It is . . .” Joe paused and looked into Devin's eyes. “. . . It is more the emotions stirring in me; Having to leave you for this unknown length of time.”

“Hey, I know you are the only one qualified for this. Even though our training isn’t complete.” Devin sat on the rocks next to Joe. “Johnson said he’d keep me apprised of your status as best he can, and will try and pass on personal messages from me when possible. I will miss you constantly, but if Johnson says you’re the best chance to stop these biotech company attacks, then we just have to trust him.” Devin rested his head on Joe’s shoulder while pulling him close. “Let’s just make the most of the time we have together.”

Joe kissed Devin, his emotions beating upon him like the ocean waves upon the nearby shore.

Friday, May 20, 2011

General Blog Update Info

I know this blog may not seem all that exciting. I hope to eventually add some more content - such as more updates to Joe Trebble.

I am also considering to expand this blog beyound just my writing - which I have started to do with my "Daily Inspiration" posts.

It may or may not be obvious that I am gay, so I am considering posting some thoughts and other related content here. I will post warning if there is anything of graphic nature.

I do appreciate any feedback about my posts; things you the reader would like to see, or not see. comments about what I post as well.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Word of the Day: Heterosexism

On Thursday 3 March I attended a workshop titles "...but words DO hurt: stories from GLBTT youth." In the session a few terms / words were mentioned, most I'd heard before (like homophobia), but the one that really got to me was Heterosexism. Heterosexism, as I recall it being defined, is essentially people treating someone as straight based on the assumption they are. An example would be a man commenting, nonchalantly, about how hot a woman is to his friend he doesn't know is gay.

If you haven't guessed by now (based on my logo), I'm gay. I have lived a rather privileged life, in regards to not being teased or bullied for being gay (I tend to fall under the term for "straight acting" - I don't appear gay). Only once has someone called me a fag (just over a year ago). It hurt. The person called me that not because he knew I was gay (or suspected), but because he was lashing out and I happened to be the closest person.

Learning of the term Heterosexism, I could immediately identify with it. There have been many times, work occasions, out with new friends or friends of friends, where a somewhat innocent comment to me has hurt me; such as isn't she hot, or what do you think of her.

Homophobic terms can be easier to confront as our society begins to recognize them as terms of hate, bullying, verbal abuse, etc. Confronting someone about what they say can start a healing process, and still, to some effect keep people closeted, if that's their choice.

Heterosexism on the other hand is harder to confront. Until society is fully accepting of all sexual diversity (which may be never), what appear to be harmless comments can hurt more than the speaker knows. I do not propose any solution, as I have none, just a comment and explanation of the term.


What makes me write this post now is based on the outcome from a post I saw on someone else's tumblr blog.
I first noticed this post:
I replied to the courage of the author for confronting the person who would ask such a question (when his blog info mentions he is turning 18 soon).

I then continued to look at the comments he had on his blog, and noticed this one, which I identified with:
Annoyed! Today my boy crush came up to me and was all like “Did you notice that hot chick right next to you!? She is the hottest girl Iv’e ever seen! Did you get her number or anything? Dudee! How did you not notice her!?” In my head I was like, “oh sorry, I was too busy dreaming about you”…
This is what brings me back to the Heterosexism. I then shared with him a time I felt like that, and then term Heterosexism.

In reading his blog and the few messages we had back and forth, I can tell he is passionate about his life, but living somewhere not open to much, if any, sexual diversity.

On a side note, his tumblr blog ( has a lot of web photos of guys - most NSFW

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fortune Cookie

I was at a Chinese restaurant before going to the Symphony. This is what my fortune cookie said:
"You will receive an unexpected gift from an acquaintance."

Friday, March 18, 2011

Joe Trebble serial update

Recently I found some more chapters to Joe Trebble and the Bio Tech Conspiracy I had written a while ago. I will be adding them to that blog over the next few weeks as I type them up.

Two of the chapters which were written about 2.5 years ago, and I thought were lost, were also found. Luckily they still fit into the overall story, though not in sequence based on the date they are written. Instead they will be placed in the middle of others I wrote about a year ago. 

The full serial can be found here: