Monday, May 16, 2022

The Beginnings of A World

 Over the past few days I have been working on some basics for my fantasy world. Most recently I have come up with a possible name for my world, and a name for my series:

Series: Dark Phoenix

World: Dorenix Mundus 

On Friday, using Notability app because of where I was located, I came up with a very rough map of the plate tectonics. The highlighted areas are the plates, and the circles in 'pen' are the location of landmasses. Arrows represent the direction of plate movement. There are 2 versions in an attempt to show the 'poles' combined. I used an icosahedron net to represent the globe. It is like a 20 sided die. This projection helps reduce distortion. 

Top image was the first drawing, and contains more potential landmasses. The bottom image is the attempted redrawing of the plates with the poles more or less included as a whole. 

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